Karin Hald 


Prolonged Exposure (EN)

Forlænget eksponering (DA) 

An Echo Calling Out to Myself (EN

Kroppens Umulige Sprog (DA)

The Impossible Language of the Body (EN

Blomst, buket (DA)

Flower, bouquet (EN)

7 (situeret viden) (DA)  

7 (situated knowledge) (EN)

Ritual for pilgrimme (DA)

Rituals for pilgrims (EN) 

Emotional check-in (DA

Emotional check-in (EN)

Til hvem det måtte vedkomme (DA)

To whom it may concern (EN)

Afsmitning (DA) 

How can I recognize you? (EN

Palimpsest (DA)

Palimpsest (EN)

Ømme dupper (DA)

Tender Buttons (EN)   

Kritik/reflektioner (DA

Critique/reflections (EN

Kuratering (DA)

Curatorial (EN)

Om og kontakt (DA)

About and contact (EN)

Flower, bouquet

Hybrid novel, 160 pages

Kunsthal Aarhus 

The hybrid novel "Flower, bouquet" is based on Joe Brainard's iconic work "I remember", where memories of Brainard's upbringing and life in USA (he was born in 1942) are told conceptually, starting each new sentence the same way as the title. The whole novel is based on an apparent stream of memories. Several (male) authors have since appropriated this form and appropriated it in various ways.

"Flower, bouquet" works through its mediation and that which is written with several different layers. The work questions the autobiographical, by showing how memories are equal parts reality and fiction, and will always be characterized by situated knowledge. The book also illuminates part of Denmark's history from the last 100 years, by showing the living conditions for three generations of women in a family. The three women's perceptions of both work, religion and sexuality shed light on their possibilities and not least structural limitations.

The work is written collectively, and throughout the book authority is gradually removed from the author, which shows how language and text are curated constructions that both seduce and deceive the reader.

In connection with its release, the book was made into a performance, where each individual guest at Kunsthal Aarhus had the opportunity to take part in a dialogic reading with the artist.