Karin Hald 


Prolonged Exposure (EN)

Forlænget eksponering (DA) 

An Echo Calling Out to Myself (EN

Kroppens Umulige Sprog (DA)

The Impossible Language of the Body (EN

Blomst, buket (DA)

Flower, bouquet (EN)

7 (situeret viden) (DA)  

7 (situated knowledge) (EN)

Ritual for pilgrimme (DA)

Rituals for pilgrims (EN) 

Emotional check-in (DA

Emotional check-in (EN)

Til hvem det måtte vedkomme (DA)

To whom it may concern (EN)

Afsmitning (DA) 

How can I recognize you? (EN

Palimpsest (DA)

Palimpsest (EN)

Ømme dupper (DA)

Tender Buttons (EN)   

Kritik/reflektioner (DA

Critique/reflections (EN

Kuratering (DA)

Curatorial (EN)

Om og kontakt (DA)

About and contact (EN)

How can I recognize you?

Performative lecture
Forlaget Gestus

The performative lecture “How can I recognize myself?” was part of the performance by Maarit Mustonen og Anne Naukkarinen called  “ikkööhäik – I'm ok”

The exhibition and reading took place in my home in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. 

The text deals with an insistence on documentation which exists only in the body and thereby points towards an achieving, which does not fit into patriarchal power structures.

                       Read full essay here...