Karin Hald 


Prolonged Exposure (EN)

Forlænget eksponering (DA) 

An Echo Calling Out to Myself (EN

Kroppens Umulige Sprog (DA)

The Impossible Language of the Body (EN

Blomst, buket (DA)

Flower, bouquet (EN)

7 (situeret viden) (DA)  

7 (situated knowledge) (EN)

Ritual for pilgrimme (DA)

Rituals for pilgrims (EN) 

Emotional check-in (DA

Emotional check-in (EN)

Til hvem det måtte vedkomme (DA)

To whom it may concern (EN)

Afsmitning (DA) 

How can I recognize you? (EN

Palimpsest (DA)

Palimpsest (EN)

Ømme dupper (DA)

Tender Buttons (EN)   

Kritik/reflektioner (DA

Critique/reflections (EN

Kuratering (DA)

Curatorial (EN)

Om og kontakt (DA)

About and contact (EN)

An Echo Calling Out to Myself

Handmade artist book, printed with riso


The work poses the question: “How can we be in dialogue with the world, if we are only accustomed to being heard as an answer, never as the speaker?”

Through the myth of Echo an afterness, subsequent to a trauma, is investigated:

“Just as Echo my body is an index of both private and individual causes and reactions as well as being a social construct. And until these different spheres meet, no real change can happen. Finding a way in between society (language) and the individual (voice) is needed. Paying attention to trauma and the rupture of identity which resides within this deranged sphere could be a place to let body and language meet in another way.“

The book consists of a short essay, which both functions as a text in its own right, as well as it is “translated” through the technology of Riso print, which is a technique best described as a ‘digital screen printing’ and delivers ‘perfect imperfections’, which is also the meaning of Riso. This means that it is possible to print the same image again, but with a slight alteration each time. The text moves from being unreadable, to a centerfold where it´s in focus and thereafter is dissolved into poetry.